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The Survival Instinct

Ever wondered why some things work out so well for others but fail on us? And why some other things fit on us, but not others?


It is now simpler than we ever thought. We have different survival instincts that requires us to do the same things differently.


I started this blog to basicallly tell you what I've leant in all there is to know about the art of brand survival.

Most of the stories I share here are based on what I have seen other brands do. Others are what I've read and listened from others. 


I pray you listen because this is the best way to get story, whether good or bad.

Know your tendons

Whenever compared to nature, we never cease to share a lot in common. Consider the way we respond to different kinds of appelas; oftenly we identify with them and then perform a desired action. Other times we don't. Similarly plants and animals do the the same when in the face of a stimuli.


This can either be a response to sunlight, meals, sounds, and the many more stimuli in their varied environments. This doesn't leave us out either, for our feelings don't differ much from theirs when these, and many more stimuli are around.


These attractions define  our strongest and weakest points. As you all know, we chage emotions towards various pieces of information based on how they identify with us.

This infact determines whether we are willing to read more of a story, follow a link or click out of a page.

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