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Our Story 

At ibkonto, we've come to understand the kind of times we are in. A time where everything is currently being done online. It's the  digital shift; a realisation of  the complexity of our long awaited global village.  


Everyone is here to impress and creat a reputation; essentially what brands do. Making an impression and standing by it. Giving yourself a name. And I am certainly here to help you know how to make a great entrance into this virtual society and as well give you tips on how to increase your influence, in your own way. 


In my experience with social media I have learnt a simple lesson, we are all here to survive. And we are surviving in our own unique ways. It was the simplest lesson I have ever learnt but it took me a lot of time to entirely grasp its impact.


I watched a baby grow, earlier I had even carried some in my arms. But this one was special. I felt it the moment I set my eyes on her.


Nadia was turning two by the time I paid her parents a visit. She was all happy and cheerful, and she rarely cried. Which was good as I was told. She was able to walk alright and you would think all was well until you let her lie down. At this position she could neither crawl nor stad like 'normal' babies do. All she did was play her arms and legs and smile at you so nicely till you picked her up. The same was when you let her sit.


She did not cry at this postion as many would to. Instead she would try to lift herself up. It was strainous for her, her body collapsing every moment she lifted it off the ground. And she never stopped trying.  So I marveled. I had to ask the parents if at they found the behavior strange. They were not shocked as I was though. Their little worry was why a perfectly born baby had such complications. I was also surprised to hear them joke that her story was pritty much the same as of her sisters'.


A glimpse into the growth of their other two children showed that they both had grown almost in the same way as Nadia but with different traits. In the case of Alicia, Nadia's eldest sister, she never crawled. Upon reaching 2 she just stood and learnt to walk in the normal ta-ta and by holding on objects. And she has been walking ever since without any signs of regression. The other sister's story was the most hilarious. In order to move, she did not crawl but rolled on the ground. She also unexpectedly learnt to walk. 


The stories marvelled me as much as it marvels you now. At first it was just funny. We found it intersting to watch her rise and fall. At times knowing that she won't move, it was convenient to leave her so even unattended that we could perform other household chores.


Then it struck me. I was watching the strongest survival instincts ever at display. How babies learn to walk. So I took more interest to observe Nadia's frail attempts with added curiosity day after day. It was during that period that I resort to search if there were any referene to what I was observing.


"Do all babies crawl? Must all babies crawl? Is it normal to crawl? Is it normal not to crawl?" were the questions I asked various health officers I had contact with. Then, I had already been told Alicia and Noela's story  - Nadia's older sisters.


It will be my pleasure to see people grow their networks, and make long lasting relationships in the social media platform. Having experienced the hustles of growing a network and making online relationships, I hope my stories may be a solution to what has been bothering you. The answers are in my stories.


I welcome your opinions critics and further insight to the issues within my stories.



Biko Kenyanito



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